13133 S. 1300 East, Draper, UT 84020
801-826-6900 (Main Number)
801-826-6909 (Fax).

Utah's Top 5 Ranked Middle School

*UPDATED* April 30, 2024,

The Yearbook Deadline is here!  All orders have been sent to print and are being worked on.  Yearbook orders can be placed after the deadline but free shipping is not available for the order. After Deadline Orders are printed separately from the bulk order for the school and are shipped individually. The minimum shipping charge is $5.99.

Follow the steps to Buy a Yearbook for the Current Year but be aware of these differences for After Deadline Orders:

Custom pages must be completed before you place an After Deadline Order. The custom pages will print in your child’s yearbook as they are created at the time the order is placed.

During checkout there will be another step prompting you to select a shipping method.

The shipping location for the yearbook is still currently the school and should get there before the last day of school

(Yearbooks were NOT part of the registration process and must be ordered through TreeRing.) *The front office will not be getting extra copies.*

Customizable Spread

If you opt to create a customizable spread for your student(s), the request must be completed by the end of the day on April 29. You can also choose not to have this page in the yearbook. Please also see the custom page help center here: https://help.treering.com/hc/en-us/articles/8636254815885-Creating-Custom-Pages-with-Page-Builder

*If you do not want to create a page, you can leave it blank and it will not print that page in your book. If you start creating a page and forget to finish it, it will print as you left it.


To purchase: Log in to TreeRing to order your Yearbook. If you are new to TreeRing or new to this school, go here to register: https://tr5.treering.com/validate

School Passcode: 1016322455421649


Soft Cover Price Before Tax: $31.00

Hard Cover Price Before Tax: $37.35

The customization is free.

Kind Regards,

Amanda Hawkins




April 9, 2024

We have 5 weeks left to order and create your student(s) photo spread in the yearbook. This customizable spread for your student(s) must be completed by the end of the day on April 25. Here are instructions on how to customize the spread for your student(s). You can also choose not to have this page in the yearbook. Please also see the custom page video tutorial.

Remember to purchase your  TreeRing yearbook so your student will have their yearbook on signing day (Field Day). You will need to pre-order your book to ensure that your student(s) will have their yearbook in hand so their friends can sign it. 

*The front office will not be getting extra copies

If you are new to TreeRing or new to this school, click here to register using the school Passcode:1016322455421649

Not sure if you have already purchased a yearbook click here to find out.

Kind Regards,

Amanda Hawkins


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org