13133 South 1300 E, Draper, UT 84020
801-826-6900 (Main Number)

801-826-6909 (Fax)

Utah's Top 5 Ranked Middle School

Final Minutes. Approved 3/13/2024
DPMS School Community Council Minutes
Date: 2/14/2024
Location: DPMS Media Center
Time: 3:15pm
School Community Council Members Parent Members Present
Janene Day, Chair Shandra Brown, Vice Chair Dave Cook, Note-Taker Nancy Nichols
Edie Goodrich Jenny Boyack Emily Ord Cami Shipp Alicia Cottle

Staff Members Present
Dr. Chip Watts (Principal) Nancy Butler
Jared Collette Kimberly Oldroyd Maryjane Covey

Parent Members Not Present
Angie Stallings

Staff Members Not Present
Other Attendees
Mary Simao Sierra Segura

Business Items:
Meeting Started: 3:15pm
1. Welcome Janene Day

2. TSSP and Land Trust Dr. Chip Watts, Dr. Sierra Segura, Ms. Mary Simao
a. Presentation that was shared today:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-a2wmTe0kuw1fxEBtFvW0KTjfwm5KfMh/view?us p=sharing
b. Dr. Watts introduced the topic of proficiency and goals in ELA and Math
c. Science and School Culture goals will be presented at next month’s SCC meeting.
d. DPMS’s 2024-2025 TSSP and Land Trust plans are due in April.
e. Per State assessments, proficiency in English, Math,and Science is “Commendable” and growth in
English, Math, and Science is “Exemplary”.
i. See data here on Draper Park Report Card:
=718&DistrictID=186056&SchoolNbr=407&SchoolLevel=K8&IsSplitSchoo l=0&schoolyearendyear=2023

Final Minutes. Approved 3/13/2024

f. There are also RI (Reading Inventory) and MI (Math Inventory) tests that are given throughout
the year. These are used by teachers and parents to gauge progress throughout the year.
g. Dr. Watts noted that DPMS is ranked 4th in academics among all middle schools in Utah by US News
and World Report.
h. Mary Simao reviewed RISE test results and noted areas of potential improvement.
i. DPMS had exemplary growth in Math and ELA but did not meet the TSSP and Land Trust Plan goal
for improvement in Math or ELA scores.
ii. In Math, DPMS declined from 63% to 61% proficient vs. the goal of 65%.
iii. In ELA, DPMS was 61% proficient vs. the goal of 65%.
i. Action steps for 2024-2025 plan will be focused on the areas of greatest need.
i. Math goals will be focused on expressions and equations. Ms. Simao presented 10 action steps
for the 2024-2025 TSSP and Land Trust plan.
ii. ELA goals will be focused on reading informational text. Dr. Segura presented 11 action steps
for the 2-24-2025 TSSP and Land Trust plan.
j. Ms. Simao, Dr. Segura, and Dr. Watts noted that the Administration met with Teachers to review
achievement results and worked with them to identify ways to promote achievement toward goals.
k. One tool that will be used for next year is Newsela, which takes published
real-world content and makes it instructional ready for ELA, social studies, and science

3. Approval of 1/10 minutes Janene Day
a. Draft DPMS SCC 1/10 Minutes Motion to approve: Shandra Brown Second: Dr. Chip Watts
Vote: Unanimous

4. SCC table at Parent Teacher Conferences Janene Day
a. The SCC has had a table at parent teacher conferences with candy and cards for students to write
letters to teachers. This is a great opportunity to talk to parents about SCC and to show love to
the teachers here!
b. Janene made this Flyer that explains what the SCC is and how to get involved.
c. We will need SCC volunteers the following times:
i. Monday 2/26: 3:30-7:30
ii. Tuesday 2/27: 3:30-7:00 Meeting Ended: 4:05
Upcoming Meetings:
SCC Meetings are held the Second Wednesday of every month in the Media Center at 3:15pm: 03/13;
04/10; 05/08

Final Minutes. Approved 3/13/2024

Canyons District Parent Night
March 3/21/2024 Union Middle School

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